Who’s got two thumbs and is ready to get you back on the water? THIS GUY!
April 30, 2020
We’re cleared to begin guided trips in Maine on May 1 under a comprehensive set of protocols designed to ensure safety for clients, guides, and our community. I can’t begin to adequately explain how much I’m looking forward to having you out on the boat and sharing our heightened appreciation for the incredible experiences we enjoy in coastal Maine. If you’ve fished with me before, you know.
Current safety protocols limit trips to people who have met the governor's 14 day quarantine requirement and are residing in the same household. Additional mandatory guidelines are a work in progress. I’ll share here when we get closer to a final version. I’ve always believed that as a charterboat captain and guide my primary responsibility is the safety of my guests. I’ve spent years managing and mitigating risk as a boarding school dean, a volunteer EMT, and a ski industry executive. The steps I take to ensure safety for all aboard have and will continue to exceed those required by the state and the Coast Guard.
If you have been following news about the Reopening Maine plan and are wondering when you will be able to visit from out of state without quarantining for 14 days, please know that state leaders are working diligently to adapt to changing health metrics here in Maine and in other states and to take advantage of additional public health tools as they become available. Stay tuned and stay optimistic.
Thanks to the Maine Dept. of Marine Resources and Commissioner Keliher, the Maine Association of Charterboat Captains, and the American Saltwater Guides Association, and countless others for all of the effort to get guides across Maine working again.
Hope you, your families, and your friends are all safe and well and I look forward to catching up.
Capt. Peter Fallon
Gillies & Fallon Guide Service, LLC