Thoughts on Potential Expansion of Massachusetts Commercial Striped Bass season
Striped Bass Fishing Update - Mid June 2021

Attention Maine Saltwater Anglers

Maine DMR is hosting an open, online meeting on April 21 at 6:00 pm to share updates on striped bass management and research in Maine and most importantly, hear from YOU about what you want from your fishery and your fishery managers. There will be a segment about the management process at ASMFC but this is not a public hearing on Amendment 7. If you have feedback for DMR or want to learn more about the management process I hope you'll join and invite others to do same.
Recreational anglers have a very small footprint within DMR and our opportunity to have more influence will never be better. We play a significant role in Maine's marine economy and yet have limited resources devoted to our fisheries at the state level. Other segments of our marine economy have done a better job at advocating and securing the support that they deserve. We need to step up our game and this meeting is a perfect opportunity to do so.
Hope you will share the link with striper anglers who share your passion.
Capt. Peter Fallon, President
Maine Association of Charterboat Captains


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